BirdLife demands tough action after ranger's shooting (Times of Malta 14.04.09) .................................... Dmax Comment after the shooting of the hapless ranger: ...or maybe a gust of wind that blew over the fields of L-Ahrax tal-Mellieha so fierecly earlier this week, extracted the lead pallets deep from within the fertile red soils of Torri-L-Ahmar hill and scattered them across Ray Vella's face in revenge for his Land Rover trespassing former free-for-all hunting grounds...Or perhaps he was shot by alien invaders looking for the spirits of fallen trees (thousand were hacked to pieces by wondering spirits very recently)..or perhaps this wass a cleverly planned plot by our world leading road planners eager to stretch tarmac over the area to help Gozitans in their desperate haste to reach their distant shores by cutting their trip by a good 5 minutes drive!! Or ....perhaps...Was it self-inflicted? Did he also set his farm recently on fire, too? Maybe he likes to play ...
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